About Dr. Abbasi
For over thirty years, I have practiced as a psychiatrist with a specialization in psychoanalysis, which is a form of intensive talk therapy. I bring special skills to each encounter with my patients, trying to listen not only to what is said, but also to what is beneath the surface. I then share my understanding with my patients to help them make desired life changes.
Taking the first step towards understanding and improving oneself makes one vulnerable. Having gone through intensive therapy (psychoanalysis) myself, I understand this anxiety well. I will walk closely with you on your journey of self-understanding, so that together we can help decrease your suffering, opening up the way for a happier and more meaningful life.
Licensed Psychoanalyst
Licensed in OR, CA, WA, MI and FL, Dr. Abbasi maintains sees patients in-person in Oregon, and remotely in OR, CA, WA, MI, and FL.
Dr. Abbasi is the author and co-editor of two books, along with publishing numerous articles in professional publications, and a book of Urdu poetry.
Dr. Abbasi speaks locally, nationally, and internationally on topics of psychoanalysis, therapy, and psychiatry.

Dr. Abbasi specializes in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and consultations for clinicians who wish to discuss their work.
Dr. Abbasi has been selected as one of the Best Doctors in America for 19 consecutive years. Only 4% of U.S. physicians are selected for this honor, which can not be solicited nor paid for.
Summary of Professional Experience
Dr. Abbasi
Supervising and Training Analyst at the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute, and one of its recent past presidents.
Supervising Analyst at the Florida Psychoanalytic Center in Miami.
I have taught or teach at many other psychoanalytic institutes, most recently at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, NYC.
Member of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA), the Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute, the Michigan Psychoanalytic Society, and the Tampa Bay Psychoanalytic Society.
Dr. Abbasi
Abbasi, A. Practicing Psychoanalysis At The Intersection Of Covid-19, The Murder Of George Floyd, And Trump’s Presidency: Reflections From A Brown Analyst: Psychoanalytic Inquiry. In Press.
Abbasi, A. (2022) When the Analytic Field Becomes a Minefield: Analyzing in the Post-9/11 Era. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 75:108-120
Abbasi, A. (2021) From Pain and Pessimism to Joy and Optimism: Remarks on Richard’s Analysis. Psychoanalytic Inquiry 41:296-301
Abbasi, A. (2019) Surprising Lessons from a Long-Distance Analysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 67:281-298
Author of The Rupture of Serenity: External Intrusions and Psychoanalytic Technique
Co-editor of Privacy: Developmental, Cultural, and Clinical Realms
Author of Ek Duniya Meray Ander Hai (The World Within), a collection of Urdu poetry
Dr. Abbasi
I have taught at almost all the psychiatry residency programs in Michigan and am currently most closely affiliated with the psychiatry residency program at Wayne State University, Detroit.
I offer supervision/consultation to students, trainees, and colleagues locally, nationally, and internationally.
Invited Instructor for a seminar for psychoanalytic candidates on “Identity and Context in Theory Making,” Columbia Psychoanalytic Center, NYC, 2022.
Dr. Abbasi
I served as the Executive Director and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Mel Bornstein Clinic for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (MBC) in Farmington Hills and Ann Arbor, MI. The MBC is a nonprofit clinic that accepts several insurances and also offers highly reduced fee private pay therapy for uninsured patients who can not afford regular fees.
Although I have done a great deal of pro bono work in the past, my pro bono work with the MBC is especially meaningful to me because of the high quality of care this clinic is able to offer patients from all walks of life.